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Hi! My name is Juan and I am a Data Science and AI undergrad student at FGV EMAp in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 🇧🇷. Here I will (try) to post about topics that I like and that I am studying, like machine learning, AI Safety, computer science, Linux, programming and math.

GitHub: @juanbelieni
LinkedIn: @juanbelieni
Email: [juanbelieni] @ []

Recent posts

Exploratory Analysis of Multilingual SAE Features

·2245 words
Recent research from Anthropic suggests that Sparse Autoencoder (SAE) features can be multilingual, activating for the same concept across multiple languages. However, if multilingual features are scarce and not as good as monolingual ones, SAEs could have their robustness undermined, leaving them vulnerable to failures and adversarial attacks in languages not well-represented by the model. In this post, I present findings from an exploratory analysis conducted to assess the degree of multilingualism in SAE features.

Taking daily notes in plain text

·280 words

Taking notes is the kind of task that should be simple. In fact, you just need a small notebook and a pen for this. However, sometimes all I got with me is my smartphone, so I would like to have some sort of solution that synced all my notes between the devices I use.

Peano numbers in Lean

·2124 words
In this post, I will define the natural numbers using the Peano axioms and prove that the set of natural numbers \(\N\) equipped with ordinary addition and multiplication is a commutative semiring.

Creating a script to specify command aliases

·484 words

For the most part of the programming projects I am working, I like to specify some aliases for common terminal commands. Them problem is… I have never been satisfied on how to specify such aliases. On JavaScript projects with Node, it is possible to user the package.json scripts property, but this approach is obviously language-specific and cannot be used on other types of projects.

My Linux setup for 2024

·622 words

Throughout 2023, I did a lot of changes on my Linux setup, the major one being migrating most of my workflow into one more focused on terminal-based softwares. Here I will try to document what changes I’ve made and what I pretend to change in the next year.

Recent events

Condor Camp

·57 words

Condor Camp was an amazing event on AI safety that happened in Mexico City. There, I learned and discussed topics related to AI governance and technical AI safety. I was also introduced to the effective altruism philosophy. It was probably the best experience regarding career planning as well.