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Taking daily notes in plain text

·280 words

Taking notes is the kind of task that should be simple. In fact, you just need a small notebook and a pen for this. However, sometimes all I got with me is my smartphone, so I would like to have some sort of solution that synced all my notes between the devices I use.

Peano numbers in Lean

·2122 words
In this post, I will define the natural numbers using the Peano axioms and prove that the set of natural numbers $\N$ equipped with ordinary addition and multiplication is a commutative semiring.


Creating a script to specify command aliases

·484 words

For the most part of the programming projects I am working, I like to specify some aliases for common terminal commands. Them problem is… I have never been satisfied on how to specify such aliases. On JavaScript projects with Node, it is possible to user the package.json scripts property, but this approach is obviously language-specific and cannot be used on other types of projects.

My Linux setup for 2024

·622 words

Throughout 2023, I did a lot of changes on my Linux setup, the major one being migrating most of my workflow into one more focused on terminal-based softwares. Here I will try to document what changes I’ve made and what I pretend to change in the next year.