Peano numbers in Lean
·2124 words
In this post, I will define the natural numbers using the Peano
axioms and prove that the set of natural numbers \(\N\) equipped with ordinary addition and
multiplication is a commutative semiring.
For the most part of the programming projects I am working, I like to
specify some aliases for common terminal commands. Them problem is… I
have never been satisfied on how to specify such aliases. On JavaScript
projects with Node, it is possible to user the package.json
scripts property, but this approach is obviously language-specific and
cannot be used on other types of projects.
The robotic arm built in this article is a simple n-joints arm that can be rotated in two directions. It will be simulated in Python using the Pygame library.
The objective here is to use concepts of optimization to make the arm follow a moving target (in this case, the mouse cursor).